Sunday, September 9, 2007

Spanish democratic debate;_ylt=AmmPDdb9KcaJOG7CdK0DVszkbeRF

The idea is that the democrats will hold a debate in that will be translated into spanish, but also the questions will be asked in spanish and translated into english. I have to say that the democrats are definitely themost innovative in terms of debates this year. the republicans were asked the same thing, but only McCain accepted. Anywho, it just seems like despite how bad it seems or how unfair it seems, every large group of immigrants must go through an initiation process. The majority,however you want to define majority, sees a growing power of influence that has a significantly different agenda and starts to freak. The insecurity leads to a lot of things such as the reluctance to hire the unfair and inhumane public policies. For instance, I was reading the WAshington Post and I remember seeing an article about Prince George County in Virginia. PG county decided that the illegal immigrant population was too high and wanted to make it illegal to provide public services to someone who hasn't proven their citizenship. Obviously, the most extreme version of this law was shot down, but they did eventually decide that services should be denied on some level and that anyone caught breaking the law should proove their citizenship. I think what I found interesting was that the quote the post got from the anti-immigrant side was, "I'm tired of having to hear two options of english and spanish on the phone service." I was like wow. you are willing to deny thousands of people fundamental rights and priviledges to live healthy liives because you are inconvenienced? Kind of disgusting. But I think this debate is all the mosre an important testimony to the existence of democracy. I mean, really why bother with this if it meant nothing? If the Latino vote had no power, why even appeal to it? So I think as pessimistic as I'd like to be about Prince George county, things still change for the better. The oppresed find their way to fight for their rights. It should probably be easier, but there is always hope at least.

1 comment:

Lisa W. Drew said...

For people who were part of the overall 60s rebellion against the status quo, it's been sobering to see how the same themes come back again and again.