Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Carelessness is not plagiarism

My god this reading was like a class session straight from
Meade loop's ethics class. subscribe to Kant, the categorical imperative. Very amusing, I just thought I should say. This is pretty interesting topic, because I certainly know and also any professor that has had me knows that I get careless. It is my hamartia. The achilles tendon of my perhaps limitless potential, but meh sometimes I get caught up in my desire to waste time and just have fun. So shoot me. Probably will happen someday. Anywho, it is something that I do honestly think about. A great professor Michael Scully once told me about a writer he taught that plagiarized while was in school and then later became a writer for the NYT and was then caught in an embarrassing scandal about plagiarism. Scully said, "bad habits follow you. He did it then and I know he would do it now." Gah, that is a bitter thing to contemplate. I like the idea that the word, "plagiarism," is incapable of meaning. I don't know she specifically meant, but I reason that most of the time you want to say something, there is a very good chance it has been said before. (there is more to this thought, but for some reason my brain refuses to articulate it) On another note, the comments are interesting. Some are, "disturbed," by the action taken by the school, some are proud and some just make no damn sense going on a spiel about the, "mainstream media," blah blah blah.(not that I am not aware of the problems, its just that a lot people think they are aware and spew out tons of garbage about things they have no real evidence for.) but its funny because it totally makes sense that the paper would take that sort of action to maintain a public image of zero tolerance for plagiarism, despite it not actually being plagiarism. I am sure the editors and maybe the bosses knew, but most people who read the paper probably have no clue about the actual circumstances and the context of a, "careless plagiarism."

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