Monday, October 1, 2007

News Reporting and Writing

SEND THIS BOOK DOWN TO THE DEEPEST FIERY DEPTHS OF THE BOWELS OF HELL! In essence, this book is rather frustrating. To note, particularly, how it seems to refuse to get the point and it dances around what you really need to know in order to adequately prepare for an assignment. I.e. pg 250-2 where the go on and on about covering speeches and how this and that may happen and that you will never know. It is really just annoying how the book will go not every speech will demand research, but this person didn
t expect and little did he know, there was no speech HAAHHAA! Then there is know the people, for example these big shots in USA today thought they had it right, but little did they know, there were in fact two Larry Kings in the United States of America who might possible donate money to President's CLinton
s campaign. Then to drive the nail home, there is the section about covering speeches and how the newbie reporter goes in and says, there is no news, but again! Little did he know, the lack of a speech was the news! Muaahahahaha. Jeeze. It is just kind of strange and at the same time instigating how this book plays the devil's advocate so much. The essence I get is, Lets generalize about something, like how news leads function for you daily and how the are part of the general business of news, but then lets spend the rest of the chapter telling you about how this pullitzer prize noiminated writer used news leades in a not-so conventional way to write his paper that got him his nomination. Just tell me no to generalize and get to the point.


Devon Haley said...

Thank you for writing this post. I too hate our News Reporting and Writing book. I mean, you have named all of the reasons to hate it but I will just reinforce it. All it does is repeat itself over and over and over again. Generally it should be a page and just say: Prepare for anything you have to write about and second guess everything. That's it.

Sandals said...

Amen and amen and amen. I'm not sure how the textbook industry manages to stay in business in spite of the Federal anti-racketeering laws; as far as I'm concerned, it's worse than cocaine trafficking, sweatshop labor, poaching endangered animals, and mail-order brides. Combined. If someone offered to sell me a Czech wife wearing a spotted owl hat made by 5-year-old Malaysian children working for 2 grams of coke a day, I'd feel a little less dirty than I did when I had to buy this soul-sucking behemoth.

On the bright side, those imported Italian silk pages -- and they better damn well be, for $80 a shot -- will burn nice and hot for marshmallow-roasting at the end of the semester.

LuAnn said...

I whole-heartedly agree. This book not only wanders, it panders. Screw Thomas Paine, this book oughta be named Common Sense.

Good thing we paid half.