Saturday, October 6, 2007

So obama decides to stop wearing his American flag pin and it makes news? Why? I don't really understand. The news community complains and complains about how it doesn't have enough time to comprehensively cover important issues and events, but it spends it's time and money to dedicate space toa story like this. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand that in terms of each story, the time that you have from when the story breaks to when you need to have it out there is really short, but in the grand scale, it is a matter of editor choice and opinion. The news value of time versus actual news value is understandably difficult to balance, but seriously, I really think this was a bad choice. What were the writers and editors trying to imply? Why didn't the fact that other cadidates don't wear their pins matter? Egh. I feel like obama is getting too much heat. It doesn't makes sense that news organizations are too afraid to make judgements on news such as covering racial issues like jena 6, but then they are seemingly unabated when they makes news judgements to focus on such pointless story such as obama's pin wearing stance. I don't even think it is a loyalty to objectivity anymore, it think it is more like ruse to not cover things that they don't like and to frame the conversation around something they want to. Like the possible unpatriotism that is represented by obama's unethusiastic pin wearing. I don't know, this all seems too fishy. It just seems like such bs that news organizations are completely loyal to objectivity when they make judgements anyway.


Moira Colley said...

I agree Marcus!! I was contemplating on writing a story on this as well but I was a little too irritated and puzzled to do so. I think Obama is getting too much criticism by the media... I don't understand why he is getting picked on and how this is newsworthy at all! Journalists are supposed to be fair and unbiased and should report meaningful stories to inform the public... I dont think this story fits any of those critera whatsover.

Laura Swanson said...

I went to a Broadway show this weekend and as an impromtu line one the characters mentioned Obama's refusal to wear the American flag pin. An uproar of laughter followed and I think that speaks to the general concensus of the public: dress codes are not news (as much as Vogue would like to disagree). I hope peope actually look at the candidates' platforms not their lapel.

LuAnn said...

Politics goes beyond microcosm, man. It's something that drives me crazy every time I read/listen to/watch the news